Saturday, January 28, 2012

Configure pom.xml to use JAVA_HOME to compile a mavan project

If you have a new maven project then you will definitely need to use another jdk version instead of maven default jdk version which is jdk_1.3 to build your maven project. Here I point you out how to use your JAVA_HOME to build your maven project. It is simple what you need is just add maven-compiler-plugin to pom.xml file of your project as i have mentioned below.

I have exported jdk_1.6.0_30 as my JAVA_HOME variable in .bashrc file and have set PATH bin.

i.e : export JAVA_HOME=/path/to/jdk
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH 

Here is how i uses my jdk_1.6 to build my maven project.



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