Friday, June 29, 2012

How to deploy a .aar service in Axis2 server.

I am going to explain this using a simple service which has only a echoString method, which is in-out operation and a ping method, which is in-only operation.

Write your sample service.

write services.xml file for your sample service

There is a folder structure for .aar file, In this case it should be

services.xml file should be inside the META-INF directory. Otherwise you will get an error saying services.xml file is not detecte. Ok now your are ready to create Sample.aar file.

Step 1. Compile above project and Select META-INF and org(which contain SimpleService.class) directories and create file using that directories. If you created this in correct way, when you unzip this file you will get above both directories not a sample directory.

Step 2. Now rename this file to sample.aar (just change the extension .zip to .aar)

Step 3. Now you can deploy this service in axis2. For that you should copy this sample.aar file to AXIS2_HOME/repository/services/

Step 4. Start Axis2 server. (How to start Axis2 server).

Step 5. Open you web browser and go to http://localhost:8080/axis2/services/ you will see your sample service withing this deployed services.

Step 6. You can use soapUI to check the above service(How to use SoapUI). (Hint- click on the SampleService in service list you will get wsdl of this service, save it )


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