Friday, September 28, 2012

Maven doesn't run all tests but print build success message and quit

When i am writing an end-to-end test to Apache Axis2 JSON support(End-to-end means it up a Axis2 server and deploy a service which is created on a fly, on it and test with that service and stop Axis2 server end of tests). Here i faced a problem that when i run the test using maven(mvn test) it runs isolation test(test particular functions of a class) upto my end-to-end test. it print build success message in terminal console and quit.

OOPs what happened to other isolation tests :( . then i debug the code and see are there any test failure in my end-to-end test but, believe me end-to-end test pass all tests and successfully execute @After method which is tearDown() method too. After that it return build success message and quit. How i can find a error when it says build success :) . Finally i found the solution for that. solution is add <forkMode>pertest</forkMode> to the suirefire maven test plugin. Then every things ok , it runs all test including above end-to-end.


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